You may be in a job that requires you to be there every week. You may be constrained in another way to not be away from work for a stretch of 4-5 days. Sometimes, life and work simply get in the way of being able to effectively contribute time and effort to prepare diligently for the PMP courses.
You will find very few companies even offer a weekend PMP training course. The first step is to learn about PMP requirements. Then, download our PMP certification guide. Inside, you'll find an exclusive offer from PMTI to meet the PMP certification requirements. Also find a real comparison of how PMTI Project Management Professional (PMP) online classes are vastly superior to any other PMP courses out there. Our 100% money-back guarantee is proof that we put our money where our mouth is.
Well, to address needs of everyone such as you, PMTI is bringing back our popular Project Management Institute (PMI) boot camps in the weekends - two consecutive Saturday and Sunday sessions. The class not only includes the intense PMP training during the two weekends, but also provides homework during the interim week to stay in the PMP exam zone. The instructor provides tip and tricks, a plan, and structure to the Project Management Professional (PMP) exam preparation. These boot camps are also available as project management boot camp online sessions for those who prefer to attend remotely.
The class follow the exact schedule and curriculum of our highly successful and most trusted four day PMP certification training program. Please see the 4-day class schedule below. The schedule itself does not change. What does change is the homework schedule. So, for those under intense pressure at work or those who do not want to lose pay during the week, look closely at this option. As of right now these courses are not available but we are working on bringing them back.
We hope you will consider our project management professional (PMP) certification weekend boot camp training courses and weekend Boot Camp classes as a plausible alternative when you are not able to attend our weekday classroom sessions.